Spectrum Ceramics offers a wide range of ceramic glazes to major tile producing factories. These glazes are called compounds or composti, which is a mix of frit, raw materials and clays for tile applications.

Our glazes are customised products which are specially developed for each application and each customer’s unique requirements, by our highly trained and dedicated technical staff.

A comprehensive range of Spectrum Ceramics Glazes are available for table ware, ornamental ware and sanitary ware applications and tile manufacturing. A complete colour spectrum is available in either a gloss, satin or matt finish.

Glazes are required to fulfil a number of conditions:

  • Compatibility with the substrate
  • Compatibility with the prevailing application and firing conditions of the end user
  • Compatibility with the decoration products used in combination with the glaze
  • Resistance to physical and chemical damage
  • Aesthetic requirements
  • Low Solubility in water, acids and alkalis likely to be encountered during normal use
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